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The Warning Sign

The Warning Sign

Identifying Domestic Abuse Signs in Adolescent

Girls who have experienced domestic violence may bear invisible wounds. The signs are often hidden, they may not scream or shout, but their pain whispers through their conduct.

Here are the noticeable signs to recognized below;

  • Emotional shift: These may include swift changes in mood, like withdrawal, anxiety, or rants.
  • Academic decline: A decline in grades, trouble concentrating, or missing school could be warning signs.
  • Physical indicator: Unexplained injuries like Bruises, cuts, or burns that don’t have a clear explanation, sleep problems (Nightmares), excessive tiredness, loss of appetite or unhealthy eating habit.
  • Social withdrawal: Does your daughter seem withdrawn from activities she used to enjoy? Is your daughter isolating herself from friends and family?


Girls suffering domestic violence show hidden signs such as mood swings, academic decline, unexplained injuries, sleep issues, appetite changes, and social withdrawal. These are signs that you need to be concerned about, talk to your daughter in a safe, supportive way. Report suspected abuse to the authorities or a child protecting agency.

Together, let’s break the silence and protect our girls.



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