In late May of 1994 a 16 year old school girl was murdered by her brother, in the suburbs of eastern Jordan. As many would be wondering, why would a girl be murdered by her own brother? According to an article on Al Jazeera, the girl’s name was Kifaya and she was murdered because she was raped by her brother and so the family needed to be cleansed. When the reporter went to meet her uncles they said she seduced her brother and she had to die for that. How heartbreaking, not only was she raped by her brother but also killed by her brother, the ones who are meant to protect her. There are many stories just like this across the world, where women are abused and killed in the name of family Honour.
In the majority of third world countries, Honour killings are practised by many families. Honour killings are primarily associated with countries in the Middle East and North Africa, but are also rooted in other cultures, including India and the Philippines. These killings are usually carried out by the men in the family and it is used as a Pretext to hinder the rights of women.
In regards to Nigeria, Honour killings are not popular from research online. When you research the word “Honour killings” you will find articles from east Asia. The killings are carried out due to the family finding mainly the girl child a dishonour to the family. The family can’t bear the societal shame so they eliminate the girl child to save the family name.
As a society we can change this ideology through education and awareness. To be educated on our rights as a people and rights of women. To also fight for equality for women in these communities in third world countries. In Nigeria also awareness can be made and also to educate people in rural areas. As the modern world is evolving, the minds of people should also evolve. We can’t escape the influence of the media, and its impact on our daily lives. We live in a world now where people live freely, with no restrictions and judgements. Hence, naturally the principals of Honour killings would no longer be valid hence the extinction of such acts, however the extinction of these acts are a gradual process, we have to come together to continue to advocate for the rights of women in rural parts of the third world.